01268nas a2200109 4500000000100000008004100001653001300042100003100055245003900086856006700125520096600192 2021 d10aCOVID-191 aILEP Technical Commission 00aWHO Global Leprosy Update for 2020 uhttps://ilepfederation.org/who-global-leprosy-update-for-2020/3 aThe ILEP Technical Commission (ITC) has produced a commentary on the recently published Global Leprosy Update for 2020. The most obvious feature is the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent reduction in field work, including leprosy case finding and clinic attendance, in most parts of the world. Reported case numbers are generally reduced by about one third from the previous year. This is highlighted by the steep decline in new cases (and registered prevalence) compared to 2019, particularly in the three countries with the highest endemicity: Brazil, India and Indonesia. In fact, the proportion of new cases coming from these three countries remained more or less the same despite the global decline, contributing to 74% of all new leprosy cases in 2020 vs. 79% in 2019.
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