00959nas a2200097 4500000000100000008004100001100002500042245003600067856019100103520056700294 2022 d1 aLight for the World 00aFact Sheet on Intersectionality uhttps://www.light-for-the-world.org/flipbook/?pdf=https://www.licht-fuer-die-welt.at/app/uploads/sites/8/2022/03/Fact-Sheet-on-Intersectionality_Light-for-the-World-2022_Accessible-1.pdf3 a
Persons with disabilities are not a homogenous group. Disability intersects with other identity factors such as gender, age, poverty, ethnicity, language, religion, sexual orientation, and area of living. People face multiple forms of discrimination which often intersect and compound each other. Policies and programmes need to include an intersectional approach which responds to the complexities of people’s situations rather than to just one aspect of their lives. This fact sheet provides examples of intersecting discrimination in various areas.