02543nas a2200229 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042653001100054653002300065653001500088653002900103653001300132100001400145700001500159700001300174245012700187856008100314300000900395490000600404520188900410022001402299 2022 d c03/202210aCanada10aHansen’s disease10atratamento10apostexposure prophylaxis10aRifampin1 aBoodman C1 aKeystone J1 aBogoch I00aLeprosy chemoprophylaxis of household contacts: A survey of Canadian infectious disease and tropical medicine specialists. uhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9603017/pdf/jammi-2021-0017.pdf a8-130 v73 a

BACKGROUND: Leprosy is uncommon in Canada. However, immigration from leprosy-endemic areas has introduced the infection to a Canadian context, in which most doctors have little knowledge of the disease. Although post-exposure chemoprophylaxis (PEP) is reported to decrease leprosy transmission, no Canadian guidelines advise clinical decision making about leprosy PEP. Here, we characterize the practice patterns of Canadian infectious disease specialists with respect to leprosy PEP and screening of household contacts by yearly physical examinations.

METHODS: Canadian infectious disease specialists with known experience treating leprosy were identified using university faculty lists. An online anonymous survey was distributed. Certain questions allowed more than one response.

RESULTS: The survey response rate was 46.5% (20/43). Thirty-five percent responded that PEP is needed for household contacts, 40.0% responded that PEP is not needed for household contacts, and 25.0% did not know whether PEP is needed (multinomial test = 0.79). Twenty-five percent responded that PEP should be given to all household contacts, 62.5% responded that PEP should be given to contacts of multibacillary cases, and 25.0% responded that PEP should be given to contacts who are genetically related to the index case. For specialists who prescribe PEP, 57.1% use rifampicin, ofloxacin (levofloxacin), and minocycline; 14.3% prescribe single-dose rifampicin; and 28.6% prescribe multiple doses of rifampicin (multinomial test = 0.11). In addition, 68.4% recommend yearly screening of household contacts, whereas 31.6% do not (multinomial test 0.17).

CONCLUSION: Consensus among Canadian infectious diseases specialists is lacking regarding leprosy PEP and screening of household contacts.
