01472nas a2200181 4500000000100000008004100001260002700042653001600069653002200085100001400107700001900121700001500140245010700155856015500262300000800417520084000425022002501265 2023 d bPAGEPress Publications10aDermatology10aChildhood leprosy1 aHidajat D1 aRisantari IGAF1 aAffarah WS00aNew cases of childhood leprosy in two male siblings in low endemic province – an iceberg phenomenon? uhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/370918165_New_cases_of_childhood_leprosy_in_two_male_siblings_in_low_endemic_province_-_an_iceberg_phenomenon a1-73 a

Children are most vulnerable group to leprosy, cases often found in Multibacillary (MB) type. We reported children diagnosed with Morbus Hansen’s WHO-Multibacillary Lepromatous type. In children W (17-year-old), we found infiltrates in the ears, claw hand with anesthesia and multiple hypopigmented patches on the right upper extremity. In child A (13-year-old), we found infiltrates on ear, multiple irregular hypopigmented plaques on the abdomen, lumbar, gluteus and decreased sensory sensibility in almost all parts of the body. Positive acid fast bacteria was found in both patients. Regiments for multibacillary leprosy was administered with improvement seen after third month of treatment. Identified risk factors include history of close contact with leprosy patient and low socioeconomic and environmental condition.

 a2036-7406, 2036-7392