01027nas a2200133 4500000000100000008004100001100002400042700002200066245007600088856011000164300001400274490000700288520059800295 2023 d1 aSanthanakrishnaan S1 aDakshinamoorthy M00aHistoid leprosy, an unusual variant of leprosy − review of literature uhttps://journals.lww.com/ejdv/fulltext/2023/43030/histoid_leprosy,_an_unusual_variant_of_leprosy__.1.aspx a161–1630 v433 a
Histoid leprosy is a rare variant of leprosy with distinctive immunological, clinical, microbiological, and histological characteristics first described by Wade in the year 1963. This is usually reported following dapsone monotherapy, irregular or improper therapy, and rarely de novo. Early diagnosis and treatment of histoid is important as it might serve as a reservoir and source of community spread of leprosy. In this article, we highlight the important aspects of clinical manifestations, immunological, histological, bacteriological, and management aspects of histoid leprosy.