02263nas a2200205 4500000000100000008004100001653001700042653003600059653001200095653003200107653003400139653003000173100001400203700001500217245019600232856007500428300000800503490000600511520154000517 2024 d10aAnimation 2D10aSelf-care to prevent disability10aLeprosy10aRajpracha Samasai Institute10aDepartment of Disease Control10aMinistry of Public Health1 aBuranut K1 aJirachai P00aThe Development of 2D Animation Media on the Self-care of Leprosy Patients for Public Health Personnel in Rajpracha Samasai Institute, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health uhttps://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IJECT/article/view/253122/171451 a1-80 v43 a


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop a 2D animation on the self-care of leprosy patients for public health personnel, Rajpracha Samasai Institute, Department for Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, 2) to determine the quality of 2D animation media on the self-care of leprosy patients, for public health personnel, Rajpracha Samasai Institute, the Department for Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, 3) to study the perception and satisfactionof the sample group watching the 2D animation media. The researchers developed the media based on the ADDIE model process. Thetools used include: 1) 2D animation media, 2) content and mediaquality assessment, 3) animation media perception assessment, and 4) satisfaction assessment. The sample used in this research includes 30 health personnel who were public health workers from the Department of Disease Control at Ministry of Public Health and were acquired through simple random sampling. The result found that the content quality assessment was good (𝑥̅= 4.18, S.D. = 0.84).The media quality was at a very good level (𝑥̅= 4.60, S.D. = 0.34), the perception assessment of the sample was at a high level, and the satisfaction assessment of the sample was at the highest level(𝑥̅= 4.74, S.D. = 0.45), Therefore, the 2D animation media on the self-care of leprosy patients for public health personnel at Rajpracha Samasai Institute, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, can be considered a practical tool