01401nas a2200157 4500000000100000008004100001260001200042100001300054700001300067700001100080700001000091245014700101856012500248520085600373022001401229 2024 d c01/20241 aMatono T1 aSuzuki S1 aMori S1 aAto M00aCase Report: Borderline Lepromatous Leprosy Therapy Complicated by Type 1 Leprosy Reaction and Adverse Reactions with Dapsone and Clofazimine. uhttps://www.ajtmh.org/downloadpdf/view/journals/tpmd/aop/article-10.4269-ajtmh.22-0637/article-10.4269-ajtmh.22-0637.pdf3 a

Leprosy is a global health issue, causing long-term functional morbidity and stigma. Rapid diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important; however, early diagnosis is often challenging, especially in nonendemic areas. Here, we report a case of borderline lepromatous leprosy accompanied by dapsone-induced (neutropenia, anemia, and methemoglobinemia) and clofazimine-induced (skin discoloration and ichthyosis) side effects and type 1 leprosy reactions during administration of the multidrug therapy. The patient completely recovered without developing any deformities or visual impairment. To ensure early diagnosis and a favorable outcome, clinicians should be aware of the diminished sensation of skin lesions as a key physical finding and manage the drug toxicities and leprosy reactions appropriately in patients on multidrug therapy.
