01085nas a2200217 4500000000100000008004100001260001000042653003500052653002100087653004000108100001300148700001300161700001400174700001100188245008100199856005200280300000800332490000700340520050600347022001400853 2024 d bLepra10aBorderline tuberculoid leprosy10aleprous myelitis10aDNA-PCR (polymerase chain reaction)1 aDoshi YJ1 aMandli S1 aPariath K1 aShah B00aLeprous myelitis in a patient with borderline tuberculoid Hansen’s disease uhttps://leprosyreview.org/article/95/2/20-24017 a1-60 v953 a

Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous disease that mainly affects skin and peripheral nerves. Systemic involvement is uncommon, although it can occur in patients with multibacillary leprosy. Cranial nerve involvement in leprosy is well known, however, involvement of brain and spinal cord has not been frequently reported. Herein, we report a case of borderline tuberculoid leprosy with symptoms of spinal cord involvement where the role of lepra bacilli as a cause was confirmed by CSF DNA-PCR.
