TY - JOUR AU - Silva D. R AU - Paschoal V. Del A AU - Nardi S. M. T AB -

Objective: to evaluate the effects before and after a health educational activity on leprosy for elementary school students. 

Methods: field study carried out in 2022, targeting students aged between 8 and 10 years old. The activity was divided into three stages. In the first stage, students were asked to draw what they believed to be the meaning of the word leprosy, with no prior explanation. In the second stage, an educational activity took place and in the third, students were asked again to draw about leprosy. 

Results: 46 children participated, 19 (41.31%) from the 3rd year of , 20 (43.47%) from the 4th year and 7 (15.22%) from the 5th year of Elementary School, totaling 92 sheets of drawings, 46 before and 46 after. Skin sores, transmission and the word “leprosy” were the most frequent interpretations later. When comparing the main concepts taught, an evolution was observed in relation to the previous moment. 

Conclusion: the impact of this research shows us that it is important that all health education has validation of the learning generated and children's drawings proved to be an effective form of evaluation.

Click here for the Portuguese Version.

Click here for the Spanish Version. 

BT - Revista Família, Ciclos de Vida e Saúde no Contexto Social IS - 2 LA - Eng N2 -

Objective: to evaluate the effects before and after a health educational activity on leprosy for elementary school students. 

Methods: field study carried out in 2022, targeting students aged between 8 and 10 years old. The activity was divided into three stages. In the first stage, students were asked to draw what they believed to be the meaning of the word leprosy, with no prior explanation. In the second stage, an educational activity took place and in the third, students were asked again to draw about leprosy. 

Results: 46 children participated, 19 (41.31%) from the 3rd year of , 20 (43.47%) from the 4th year and 7 (15.22%) from the 5th year of Elementary School, totaling 92 sheets of drawings, 46 before and 46 after. Skin sores, transmission and the word “leprosy” were the most frequent interpretations later. When comparing the main concepts taught, an evolution was observed in relation to the previous moment. 

Conclusion: the impact of this research shows us that it is important that all health education has validation of the learning generated and children's drawings proved to be an effective form of evaluation.

Click here for the Portuguese Version.

Click here for the Spanish Version. 

PY - 2023 T2 - Revista Família, Ciclos de Vida e Saúde no Contexto Social TI - Children's drawings as an instrument for evaluating learning in a health educational activity about leprosy UR - https://seer.uftm.edu.br/revistaeletronica/index.php/refacs/article/view/6861/7024 VL - 11 ER -