01798nas a2200217 4500000000100000008004100001100001700042700001600059700001600075700001600091700001300107700001300120700001700133700001300150700001200163700001300175245015100188856007000339520115700409022001401566 2019 d1 aPrakoeswa AC1 aRumondor BB1 aTrianita MN1 aIswahyudi I1 aRosida F1 aAstari L1 aListiawan YM1 aAgusni I1 aIzumi S1 aAlinda M00aThe correlation of Ig M Anti PGL-1 antibody between blood veins and dryed capillary blood on filter papers in household contact of leprosy patient uhttps://www.pagepress.org/journals/index.php/dr/article/view/80573 a

Delays of leprosy detection and treatment can lead to disability and potential transmission. Serologic examination has the advantage in detecting Subclinical Leprosy. The procedure of serologic test, which is one of its main limitation, could be simplified by the use filter paper. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the use of capillary blood dropped on filter paper as a substitute for venous blood in household contact of leprosy patients. Seventeen samples of capillary blood dried on filter paper and venous blood samples from the same individual were examined by ELISA method to determine the levels of IgM anti-Phenolic glycolipid-1 (PGL-1). The mean of anti- PGL-1 IgM levels of filter paper samples 163.31±126.16; whereas the mean of levels from venous samples was 473.16±411.26. There was significant difference and correlation between these two groups. Samples on filter paper in household contact can be used to determine the level of anti-PGL-1 IgM in serum by converting on the regression basis. Further study is required to evaluate the potency of filter paper methods to conduct large-scale serological screening.
