ILEP - International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations

ILEP is a federation of autonomous anti-leprosy non-governmental organisations, which are supporting medical, scientific, social and humanitarian activities for the relief and rehabilitation of persons affected by leprosy. Their approach is holistic and based on the human rights of all those affected by this disease. Co-ordination of efforts ensures that no activity is superfluous and that no gap in service is ignored. The Federation is active in virtually all countries where leprosy exists. ILEP Members’ support will continue so long as there are cases of leprosy and people affected by leprosy in the world. The ILEP Federation has many collaborators. These include the World Health Organization, particularly its Global Leprosy Programme, governments, health authorities, researchers, leprologists, other leprosy NGOs, persons affected by leprosy and their associations. Collectively these partners each contribute their area of expertise to the: development and continuation of quality integrated and sustainable leprosy services; prevention of impairments and disabilities associated with leprosy; and promotion of the rights of persons affected by leprosy to participate as fully as they choose at every level of society.
Quai de L'ile 13
1204 Geneva