Trend and Factors Associated with Medical-Surgical Complications in Patients Discharged from Leprosy Multidrug Therapy at the Specialized Regional Hospital in Macenta, Guinea, from 2012 to 2021
Jean Hebelamou Centre Hospitalier Regional Specialise (CHRS) de Macenta, Macenta GGRH+69Q, Guinea, Fassou Mathias Grovogui Centre National de Formation et de Recherche en Sante Rurale de Maferinyah, Forecariah GPW7+V9G, Guinea, Africa Center of Excellence for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases (CEA-PCMT), University Gamal Abdel Nasser of Conakry, Conakry BP 1147, Guinea, Hawa Manet Centre National de Formation et de Recherche en Sante Rurale de Maferinyah, Forecariah GPW7+V9G, Guinea, et al. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. MDPI AG 2024; 9 (12) : 1-9.
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