Publications'People like me don't make things like that': Participatory video as a method for reducing leprosy-related stigma.Peters, Marjolein B Zweekhorst, Wim H van Brakel, et al. Global public health. 2016; 11 (5-6) : 666-82.Download PDF
PublicationsTraveling through Remembrance as Praxis with Disability BaggageBeatriz Miranda. Culture Machine. 2014;Download PDF
PublicationsImpact of socio-economic development, contact and peer counselling on stigma against persons affected by leprosy in Cirebon, Indonesia -a randomised controlled trial.Dadun, Wim H van Brakel, Ruth Peters, et al. Leprosy review. 2017; 88 (1) : 2-22.Download PDF
PublicationsShort story: A reflection on positionality and knowledge processes in transdisciplinaryPeters. Knowledge Management for Development Journal. 2013; 9 (2) : 185-190.Download PDF
PublicationsLearning from a leprosy project in Indonesia: making mindsets explicit for stigma reduction.Peters, Mimi Lusli, Marjolein B Zweekhorst, et al. Development in practice . 2015; 25 (8) : 1105 - 1119.
PublicationsReturning the rights of people affected by leprosy-related stigma through counselling: Developing, implementing and assessing a rights-based counseling module in Cirebon District, IndonesiaMimi Lusli. Faculteit der Aard- en Levenswetenschappen. Vrije Universiteit 2016;Download PDF
PublicationsCultural validation of a new instrument to measure leprosy-related stigma: the SARI Stigma Scale.Ruth Peters, Wim H van Brakel, Mimi Lusli, et al. Leprosy review. 2017; 88 (1) : 23-42.Download PDF
PublicationsDealing with stigma: Experiences of persons affected by disabilities and leprosy.Mimi Lusli, Marjolein B Zweekhorst, Beatriz Miranda-Galarza, et al. BioMed Research International. 2015;Download PDF
PublicationsLay and peer counsellors to reduce leprosy-related stigma--lessons learnt in Cirebon, Indonesia.Mimi Lusli, Ruth Peters, Marjolein B Zweekhorst, et al. Leprosy review. 2015; 86 (1) : 37-53.Download PDF
PublicationsI am not shy ... so I don't have leprosy, right? Understanding and assessing leprosy-related stigma and the effect of stigma-reduction interventions in Cirebon District, Indonesia.Ruth Peters. . Vrije Universiteit 2015;Download PDF
PublicationsThe impact of a rights-based counselling intervention to reduce stigma in people affected by leprosy in Indonesia.Mimi Lusli, Ruth Peters, Wim H van Brakel, et al. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2016; 10 (12) : e0005088.Download PDF
PublicationsThe meaning of leprosy and everyday experiences: an exploration in cirebon, indonesia.Ruth Peters, Mimi Lusli, Beatriz Miranda-Galarza, et al. Journal of tropical medicine. 2013;Download PDF
PublicationsThe cultural validation of two scales to assess social stigma in leprosy.Ruth Peters, Wim H van Brakel, Marjolein B Zweekhorst, et al. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2014; 8 (11) : e3274.Download PDF
PublicationsNarratives around concealment and agency for stigma-reduction: A study of women affected by leprosy in Cirebon District, Indonesia.Ruth Peters, Miranda Hofker, Wim H van Brakel, et al. Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development. 2014; 25 (4) : 5-21.Download PDF
PublicationsA cluster-randomized controlled intervention study to assess the effect of a contact intervention in reducing leprosy-related stigma in Indonesia.Ruth Peters, Marjolein B Zweekhorst, Joske Bunders, et al. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2015; 9 (10) : e0004003.Download PDF
PublicationsThe power of personal knowledge: reflecting on conscientization in lives of disabled people and people affected by leprosy in Cirebon, IndonesiaMiranda-Galarza, Mimi Lusli, Dedding, et al. Knowledge Management for Development Journal. 2013; 9 (2) : 85-104.Download PDF
PublicationsThe impact of contact interventions on leprosy related community stigma in Cirebon District.Lisette Verkerk. . 2014;