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Practical Material


This is a prototype for a database of resources to facilitate more equal partnerships within international development cooperation

There are a plethora of different tools and approaches being developed and tested by organisations to facilitate more equal partnerships within international development cooperation. However, it is often difficult to know where to access these tools, or how to select one that best suits your own needs. Wouldn’t it be handy to have a centralised place to find this information quickly?  So, we envisioned our product as an “Atlas”: a collection of roadmaps, each giving guidance on how to navigate a certain area. 

The primary function is a repository of resources, and in this case, resources that facilitate power-shift work. Users would have one consolidated place to find a tool, product, or other materials that suit their professional goals. The Atlas comes with an index as well. A system of tags and filters helps the user to navigate through the collection, so their search is much more efficient.

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