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Disability care using assistive technology devices for persons affected by leprosy/ Hansen disease

World Health Organization . 2025;

Impairments predominantly occur in the extremities of persons affected by leprosy. Management of the impairments usually requires the use of assistive technology devices (ATDs). The inability to modify certain aids and appliances for impairments caused by leprosy make it challenging to prescribe or use the current ATDs provided to those with impairments caused by other health conditions. Efforts for providing appropriate, cost-effective adaptations and modifications will prevent further complications and worsening of impairments.

At present, ATDs provided to people with leprosy lack uniformity in their fabrication methods. The fabrication methods, including the technical specifications as well as the materials used, need to be standardized yet customizable. Appropriate materials and standardized fabrication techniques will ensure that ATDs are energy-efficient, impairment-appropriate and functionally enhanced while also guaranteeing high quality and device effectiveness. Referrals and adherence on the part of health providers to ATDs will improve if the standard technical specifications are more viable, practical and commonly used. Method and material standardization within the ATD fabrication process will improve clients’ accessibility to using ATDs.

Not only will the primary benefits of accessibility, device quality and device effectiveness be improved through such standardization, but there will also be many important secondary benefits – for instance, mobility, functionality and productivity will be improved as well. This focused attention to individual needs will decrease social stigma and increase the use of such ATDs. Decreased social stigma through the use of appropriate ATDs will help integrate a person with an impairment into the community by improving their mobility, functionality and productivity. This will also provide them with improved functioning in their activities of daily living (ADL), allowing the affected individual the opportunity to be independent. This functional independence will improve their educational and employment opportunities, and help them maintain a sustainable lifestyle, ensuring a renewed sense of dignity.

The purpose of this Technical Guidance is to enhance knowledge (standards and technical specifications) about ATDs ensuring access to safe and effective products for people affected by leprosy. The Technical Guidance will enable health care providers and empower individuals affected with leprosy to identify assistive product needs, access appropriate services, and be involved in assistive product selection.

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