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Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for Leprosy: Explained by some of the world's leading experts

On Thursday 1 June 2023, The Leprosy Mission International and NLR International joined together to host a webinar on post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for leprosy. We heard from some leading PEP experts, who unpacked what PEP means for leprosy, how effective it is in different types of leprosy and over longer periods, how to ensure reliable supplies of rifampicin (the current WHO-endorsed prophylactic), the risk of drug resistance, what PEP will look like in the future, and more. The panel included:

1. Mr Duane Hinders – Duane Hinders is a public health policy specialist who was the national director of NLR’s field office in Brazil for over eight years before moving to his current position as Programme Manager for the PEP++ project, based at the NLR International office in Amsterdam.

2. Dr Wim van Brakel - Wim van Brakel holds a medical degree, an MSc in Infectious Disease Epidemiology and a PhD in leprosy-related neuropathy. He has worked in Nepal and India in leprosy control and research. Dr van Brakel is Medical Director of NLR, Chair of the ILEP Technical Commission and member of the Steering Committee of the Leprosy Research Initiative. He was formerly Chair of the WHO Task Force on definitions, criteria and indicators for interruption of transmission and elimination of leprosy

3. Dr Epco Hasker –Tropical Infectious Diseases Research Group, Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium. Epco worked in leprosy and tuberculosis control in Nigeria, Afghanistan/Pakistan, Ukraine and Central Asia before joining ITM in 2008. He is part of the research team on the PEOPLE study (Post ExpOsure Prophylaxis for LEprosy in the Comoros and Madagascar) and PI of its successor, the BE-PEOPLE trial in Comoros.

4. Dr Arie de Kruijff – is a Medical Officer and the outgoing Leprosy Mission representative in Mozambique. He will be joining The Leprosy Mission International team later this year take up a new position as Global Lead for Innovation and Improvement.


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