Practical Material

SDR-PEP Implementation - Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

The SOP's can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.

Since 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of single-dose rifampicin as post-exposure prophylaxis (SDR-PEP). A single dose rifampicin can effectively reduce the risk of developing leprosy in contacts of index patients. Scale up of preventive chemotherapy is recognized as a key component in the Global Leprosy Strategy 2021–2030 “Towards zero leprosy”. These Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) provide a structured approach to support the implementation of SDR-PEP interventions. This package of SOPs can be helpful for leprosy programme managers, health care workers, and organisations involved in implementing chemoprophylaxis for leprosy prevention.


Core package SOPs (essential for the implementation of any SDR-PEP intervention):

1. Informing index patients and obtaining their consent

2. Informing contacts and obtaining their consent

3. Eligibility criteria for SDR-PEP and screening of contacts

4. SDR-PEP administration

5. Referral of contacts in case of (possible signs or symptoms of) tuberculosis or leprosy

6. Pharmaceutical product procurement and storage: rifampicin and allergy medication

Complementary package SOPs (depending on the type of intervention):

7. Referral in case of suspicion of skin diseases (other than leprosy)

8. Skin medication

9. Use of the NLR SkinApp

10. Siilo usage (app for secured messaging between health professionals)

11. Organisation of a skin camp

Additional documents:

  • SDR-PEP Green Card
  • SDR-PEP Voucher

More detailed information can be found in the first document ('Introduction, content and definitions').

Any questions related to these SOPs may be directed to: NLR,

The PEP4LEP project contributed to the development of these SOPs. PEP4LEP is part of the EDCTP programme supported by the European Union (grant number RIA2017NIM-1839-PEP4LE). The Leprosy Research Initiative (LRI, also supported PEP4LEP.



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