Armauer Hansen forsknings-institutt i Addis Abeba
Armauer Hansen forskningsinstitutt ble etablert i Addis Abeba, Etiopia, i 1970 for å hedre minnet om Armauer Hansen. Instituttet, som startet med beskjedne ressurser og få ansatte, har hatt en unik utvikling i de 53 år det har eksistert. Det er i dag Etiopias fremste biomedisinske forskningsinstitusjon med visjon om å være et ledende medisinsk forsknings- og undervisningssenter i Afrika innen 2025.
English Abstract:
Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen (1841–1912), who in 1873 showed that leprosy was caused by rodshaped bacilli, has been honoured in different ways. A special honour was the establishment of Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI) in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. This institute was founded in 1970 as a small Norwegian – Swedish research institute for leprosy. Up to around 1980 the institute made major contributions to the understanding of the immunology and the various clinical manifestations of leprosy. After 1980 studies on tuberculosis and other infectious diseases were included in the research program. The institute is now employing around 500 people, and it is owned by the Ethiopian government. Today the institute has a wide range of activities and is the leading biomedical research institution in Ethiopia.