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A Critique of Leprosy Control Approaches in Northern Nigeria, 1900–1965


The article examines two collaborative approaches to control leprosy in northern Nigeria. In the first approach, the colonial government and the Native Authorities (NA) established leprosy settlements under the supervision of the British Empire Leprosy Relief Association (BELRA). The second approach involved the missions and the NA, which led to the establishment of provincial leprosaria in northern Nigeria. The article uses primary and secondary data which show that the first approach involving BELRA failed to provide the required result until the establishment of leprosaria in provinces of northern Nigeria. The second partnership, which involved the missions and the NA setting up leprosaria, supervised by the colonial administration, provided a holistic approach to controlling and managing the infection, deformity, and stigma related to the disease through the provincial leprosaria.

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Journal Article
Shekarau RL