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Fontilles y la lepra en España - Fontilles and leprosy in Spain

El portal temático"Fontilles y la lepra en España" es fruto de la colaboración entre la Fundación Fontilles y la Universidad de Alicante y deudor del apoyo de la Sasakawa Health Foundation, que aportó los fondos necesarios para recuperar, digitalizar y editar la amplia muestra de revistas, obras, imágenes, testimonios, documentos y objetos del patrimonio histórico de Fontilles que aquí se ponen al alcance de quienes se interesen por ellos y, sobre todo, de quienes, gracias a ellos, puedan interesarse por la historia de Fontilles y la lepra en España.
The web portal "Fontilles and leprosy in Spain" is the result of collaboration between the Fontilles Foundation and the University of Alicante and the support of the Sasakawa Health Foundation, which provided the necessary funds to recover, digitalise and edit the wide range of magazines, works, images, testimonies, documents and objects from the historical heritage of Fontilles that are made available here to those who are interested in them and, above all, to those who, thanks to them, may be interested in the history of Fontilles and leprosy in Spain.
The web portal "Fontilles and leprosy in Spain" is the result of collaboration between the Fontilles Foundation and the University of Alicante and the support of the Sasakawa Health Foundation, which provided the necessary funds to recover, digitalise and edit the wide range of magazines, works, images, testimonies, documents and objects from the historical heritage of Fontilles that are made available here to those who are interested in them and, above all, to those who, thanks to them, may be interested in the history of Fontilles and leprosy in Spain.
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