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"Regulatory T Cells (Treg) Participate in the Development of Anergy in Murine Leprosy"


Specific loss of cell-mediated immunity to Mycobacterium leprae, is a characteristic feature of human lepromatous leprosy. This phenomenon is called cellular anergy and it is considered the reason for the disease progression. It is not clear the reason for anergy in human leprosy, but several experimentalbased explanations have been proposed. One such explanation is the excess of suppression exerted by regulatory T cells (Treg). In murine leprosy, caused by Mycobacterium lepraemurium, cellular anergy is also observed and the model offers the opportunity to further explore the phenomenon vertically, in the same animal because of the availability of syngeneic strains, and during the whole time of infection. Syngeneic Balb/c mice were inoculated with MLM, and the evolution of the infection was monitored over 4 months based on diverse parameters: body weight, splenomegaly and hepatomegaly, presence of bacilli, and presence of CD4+CD25+Tbet and CD4+CD25+FoxP3 cells. It was found, by flow cell cytometry, that the first immune response in the infected animals reflected the activity of Th1 (Tbet+) cells and this response was then substituted by a predominant T-FoxP3 response, thus suggesting that CD4+CD25+FoxP3 cells play a role in the development of anergy in the malignant form of murine leprosy.

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Journal Article
Espinosa OR
Vargas Medieta T
Rodríguez Cortés O
Arce Paredes P
Becerril Villanueva LE