Practical material WHO/ILEP Technical Guide on community-based rehabilitation and leprosy: meeting the rehabilitation needs of people affected by leprosy and promoting quality of life. International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations , World Health Organization . WHO/Ilep Technical Guide. World Health Organization, International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations. 2007; Access resource
Practical material OMS/ILEP Guia técnico sobre reabilitação baseada na comunidade e hanseníase: Atendendo as necessidades de reabilitação de pessoas afetadas pela hanseníase e promovendo qualidade de vida. International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations , World Health Organization . OMS/ILEP Guia técnico. Organização Mundial de Saúde. 2007; Access resource
Practical material Leprosy/Hansen Disease: Management of reactions and prevention of disabilities World Health Organization . World Health Organization . 2020; Access resource
Practical material ILEP Learning guide one: How to diagnose and treat leprosy. Groenen G, Saunderson P, ILEP Medico Social Commission , et al. ILEP Learning Guide. International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations. 2002; Access resource
Practical material ILEP Learning Guide two: How to recognise and manage leprosy reactions. Saunderson P R, Commission IM. ILEP Learning Guide. International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations. 2002; Access resource
Practical material Neglected Tropical Diseases Sustainability Analysis and Planning Consultation Guide Act to End NTDs | East Program , RTI International , USAID . 2021; Access resource
Practical material Disability-inclusive development toolkit. Al Ju’beh K. Christoffel Blindenmission (CBM). 2015; Access resource
Practical material Collecting stories about neglected tropical diseases A beginner's guide to field communications NTD NGO Network (NNN) . 2019; Access resource
Publication Projeto terapêutico singular aplicado à hanseníase na atenção primária de Alencar Barros E. M, dos Santos Silva C. K, Lima K. S. B. Revista Multidisciplinar de Estudos Cientificos em Saúde. 2023; Download PDF
Publication Immunohistochemical Characterization of M1, M2, and M4 Macrophages in Leprosy Skin Lesions Quaresma TC, de Aguiar Valentim L, de Sousa JR, et al. MDPI AG. Pathogens. 2023; 12 (10) : 1-14. Download PDF